Doha International Airport (DOH)
Travel and Ground Transport

(Doha, Qatar)

A limited choice of ground transfer options is available at Doha International Airport (DOH). Passengers not being collected by hotel shuttles are left with the option of taking a taxi, the only other choice of transport with the exception of the airport's luxury limousines.


There are no public or private bus services available from Doha International.

Hotel Shuttles

Popular hotels such as the Sheraton, Marriott, Ritz-Carlton and Inter Continental offer courtesy vehicles to bring guests from the airport to their establishments. We recommend that you contact your hotel ahead of your arrival at the airport to establish the availability of these services.

Taxi Cabs

Metered taxis are available from a rank situated outside the Arrivals Hall. Taxis travel to destinations in a around the city.


A counter from which limousine services can be booked is available in the Arrivals Hall for those who wish to travel in style.

Doha Airport DOH

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